
Douglas Greenhalgh Frost

Rank:2nd Lieut
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:05th Fighting School
Name of Rgt or Ship:Royal Air Force
How Died:Accidental
Country of burial:EgyptGrave Photo:No
Cemetery or Memorial:Cairo Memorial Cemetery
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born on the 17th March 1890.

Employed for 4 years as a Draughtsman & Surveyor.

Originally served with the 1/5th Bn Devon Rgt - No. 240698.  Transferred to
the RAF on the 20th July 1918.

Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant on the 

Killed in a flying accident in Egypt.

Commemorated on the private family gravestone in Urmston Cem.

His father, Elias died 09/10/1903 aged 58 years.

M.I. - "His duty nobly done".
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