
William George Freemantle

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:07th Bn (T.F)
Name of Rgt or Ship:Manchester Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Gallipoli
Cemetery or Memorial:Helles Memorial
Town Memorial:Newbury, Berkshire
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1889 in the Newbury R.D. - ref: 2c/239,
the son of William Chamberlain & Louisa Kate Freemantle (nee Abbotts).

1891 Census - No Trace of any of the family.

1901 Census - Grocers Shop at 2 & 3 Northbrook Street, Newbury, Berkshire. 
 Son - aged: 11 - born: Newbury.   Head of household - William Freemantle -
Married - aged: 50 - occ: Grocer Shopkeeper - born: Sydmonton, Hampshire.  
Also Louisa Freemantle - Wife - aged: 42 - born: Banbury, Oxfordshire. 
Plus 2 sister, a visitor and a domestic servant.

1911 Census - 96 Flixton Road, Urmston.  Boarder - aged: 21 - occ:
Assistant Analytical Chemist at the Davyhulme Sewage Works - born: Newbury,
Berkshire.  Boarding with Mr & Mrs. Kidson.

His MIC confirms that he was a Lieutenant in the 7th Bn Manchester.   He
was drafted to Egypt (4a) on the 14th August 1914.

He was stationed in the Sudan, guarding the railways and hill fortsfrom the
Turks in Palestine, part of the Lancashire Fusilier's Brigade, East
Lancashire Division, that became the 127th Brigade, 42nd (East Lancashire)
Division in May 1915.

They moved up to Cairo in April 1915.

At 21.00 hrs, on the 3rd May they sailed on the lonian heading for
Gallipoli and commenced landing at "V" Beach, Helles at 13.00 hrs on the
7th.  The War Diary of 127th Brigade records that lonian was delayed by one
day at sea due to "trouble with stokers"   They moved to bivouacs on cliff
near "W" Beach then at 19.00 hrs forward to positions west of Krithia
Bridge.   Took overfiring and support lines - Krithia Nullah sector during
night of the 11th.   Two platoons advanced 100 yards on left of Brigade
line on the 13th, but were unable to hold their gains and were forced to
withdraw during night.   Moved back to Brigade Reserve on the 16th and into
general reserve on the 21st.  They relieved 1/4th East Lancashire in
forward area on the 25th.   With the 1/8th Manchesters they took part in
operations to move the line forward on the 28th.   "B" and "D" Companies
dug in during night.  Captains T.W. Savatard and R.V. Rylands killed with a
gain of some 120 to 200 yards.  Lieutenant T.F. Brown was killed on the
30th May.

The Third Battle of Krithia commenced on the 4th June.  They advanced under
a full moon and dug in front of the Turkish trenches. At 08.00 hrs the
bombardment started and at 11.30 hrs the battalion attacked the trenches in
front of them.   "A" and "C" Companies took the first trench during the
attack.  Later, "B" and "D" Companies passed through and engaged the enemy
in their second line.  Their right flank came under enfilade fire but the
line held, their gains held and were consolidated.   The men were forced to
abandon the forward position as the enfilading fire cut their numbers and
no reinforcements arrived, the withdrawal proved to be more costly than the
advance and the battalion lost many men, including Lieutenant Freemantle.

William is commemorated on the Newbury Town War Memorial and on Newbury's
St. Nicholas' PC War Memorial and Roll of Honour.    He is also
commemorated on the family grave in Newtown Road Cemetery, Newbury.
Inscription:  [Western Kerbstone]  In loving memory of 
[Northern kerbstone]  Lieut W G Freemantle only son of W C Freemantle who
was killed in the war 1915 
[Southern kerbstone]   In loving memory of William Chamberlin Freemantle
who died Feb 1st 1925, aged 74 
[Shield]   In loving memory / of dear Ethel / elder daughter of / W C & L
Freemantle / died Nov 5th 1904 aged 17

I am most grateful to Phil Wood for his contribution from his excellent
Newbury Memorials website - see more about William and his family on:- 

Memorials found on:
Urmston Conservative Club
Manchester University
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