
Luke Taylor

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:08th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
How Died:Died of Wounds
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:No
Cemetery or Memorial:Etretat Churchyard, Seine-Maritime
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1896 in the Barton upon Irwell R.D. - ref:
8c/719, the son of Luke & Eliza Ann Taylor (nee Valentine).

1901 Census - 20 Whitfield Street, Irlam, Cadishead.    Son - aged: 4 -
born: Cadishead.    Head of household - Luke Taylor Snr. - Married - aged:
44 - occ: Coal Trimmer - born: Cadishead.   Also Eliza A. Taylor - Wife -
aged: 42 - born: Cadishead.   Plus 3 sisters.

1911 Census - 153 Liverpool Road, Cadishead.    Son - aged: 14 - Scholar -
born: Cadishead.    Head of household - Luke Taylor Snr. - Married - aged:
54 - occ: Labourer on Ship Canal - born: Cadishead.   Also Eliza A. Taylor
- Wife - aged: 54 - born: Cadishead.   Plus 3 sisters.

Formerly served as No. 34956, Manchester Rgt.

I am most grateful to Neil Drum & Pete Thomas for allowing me to use
verbatim the following extract from their superb 623 page book "A District
at War - Irlam & Cadishead's Part in the Great War", an incredibly detailed
and comprehensive book that is not only a credit to them, but a magnificent
memorial to the WW1 men of that district.

Served with the 8th (Service) Battalion, The Loyal North Lancashire
Regiment, 7th Brigade, 25th Division.

Luke was the only surviving son of Luke and Eliza Ann Taylor, who lived at
Central View, 155 Liverpool Road, Cadishead. His older brother, James, had
died of enteric fever on 17th December 1914.   His father was a veteran
cricketer who had played for Lancashire County Cricket Club.   Luke (Jnr)
was also a keen sportsman, being both a cricketer and a vigorous football
player with Cadishead Wesleyan Football Club.    He was educated at St
Mary's School, Cadishead and later won a scholarship to Urmston Grammar
School. After leaving school he worked as a ledger clerk with a Manchester
paper merchant in Fountain Street, Manchester.   He was described as a
young man of considerable promise.

On 6th February 1915 he enlisted at Manchester into the Manchester Regiment
(Private 34956).   He was immediately posted to the Army Reserve. His
description is recorded as 19 years of age, 5 foot 4 inches tall, with grey
eyes and a fresh complexion.   On 30th March 1916 he was mobilized from the
Army Reserve and sent to the Regimental Depot of the Manchesters. On 2nd
April 1916 he was posted to the 4th Battalion. During the summer, he met
several Yorkshire County cricketers while training at Brocklesby Park,
Lincolnshire. From 20th July he was absent from Tattoo until 11pm on 26th
July and was punished with fourteen days confined to barracks and seven
days pay forfeited.   On 26th August he was again in trouble, overstaying
his pass from Tattoo that day until 7.30am on 28th August, this at a time
when he had been warned to prepare for imminent draft overseas.    On 29th
August he embarked from Folkestone and arrived in Boulogne the same day.  
The next day at Etaples camp he was posted to the 16th Battalion,
Manchester Regiment.   On 9th September he was transferred to the Loyal
North Lancashire Regiment and re-numbered as Private 26969.    Two days
later he joined the 8th Loyal's who were stationed at Prouville, on the
Somme.    On 29th September, the battalion moved to Hessian Trench, west of
Stuff Redoubt, where it saw action in this area.   On 14th October the
battalion captured its objective "The Mounds" but during the engagement
Luke was seriously wounded in his back and legs by a shell explosion.

He was evacuated to No. 1 General Hospital at Etretat, on the coast.   He
made good progress for several days and had even been able to write home to
his parents.    On 20th October Joseph Cooke sent a letter as well as a
telegram to the Loyal's Army Record Office. The telegram read:  "Attest,
Preston. - Father of 26969 Private. L. Taylor, 9th B.N [sic] Lancashire's
wishes to visit his son, dangerously ill 1st  General Hospital, Etretat. Is
visit possible?  Father distracted, Cooke, war fund secretary, Irlam".

At 4.45pm on Sunday, 29th October 1916 Luke died of wounds at No 1 General
Hospital, Etretat. He was only 19.  Official notice of his death arrived on
31st October by telegram. It is not known whether his father managed to
visit him before he died.   Luke is buried in the Etretat Churchyard, Seine
Maritime, France.   He was commemorated locally on the St Mary's Sunday
School, Cadishead, the Wesleyan Sunday School and Cadishead Liberal Club
Rolls of Honour.

Luke's family later received his personal effects consisting of two
identity discs, one wallet for scissors, one watch chain, one purse, a
notebook, national registration card, letters, photographs, cards and a
bag. In total Luke had served 204 days with the Army in England (6th
February until 28th August 1916) and 62 days in France (29th August until
his death on 29th October), a total of 266 days service.   Medal
Entitlement:  Pair.    Tragically Luke's 80 year old grandfather, George
Wrigley, who lived with his daughter and son-in-law, died the week after
Luke.   The death of his grandson had been a great shock to him.

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