
Harry Ebdon

Rank:Chief Engineering Officer
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:Merchant Navy
Name of Rgt or Ship:S.S. Manchester Progress (Manchester)
Country of burial:Lost at Sea
Cemetery or Memorial:Tower Hill Merchant Navy Memorial
Town Memorial:Sale
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1883 in the Sunderland R.D. - ref:

Married - Annie B. Caldwell - Sep Qtr 1910 - Prestwich R.D. - ref: 8d/729. 
  Annie was the sister of William Alexander Caldwell who died in Malta in

The "Manchester Progress" was built in 1938, it's gross register tonnage
was 5,620, it was 446 feet long, 57 feet wide and could make 13.5 knots. It
could accommodate 12 - 1st class passengers.   It was one of 13 ships
operated by the Manchester Liners Ltd, St. Anne's Square, Manchester 2.

According to Gail Williams, a relative of his - he was climbing down a
ladder just as a huge wave hit the ship and knocked him down causing him to
fall on his back which damaged his kidneys - cause of death was inflamation
of the kidneys, consistent with falling down a ladder and landing on his

Portrait photo of him on file, plus one with his wife.
Memorials found on:
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