
Bryan Whitham

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:077 Sqn RAFVR
Name of Rgt or Ship:Bomber Command
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:GermanyGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Hamburg Cemetery
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the June quarter 1916 in the Chorlton R.D. - ref: 8c/1091, the
son of Fred & Jessie Witham (nee Metcalfe).

Flying with 77 Sqn, they took off from R.A.F. Leeming, Yorkshire, in a
Whitley Mk.V, No. Z9363 KH-H, on a bombing operation over Rostock.  They
crashed at 0111hrs at Grevenkrug, 4km NNW of Bordesholm, 12 km NNE of
Neumünster.    Total losses 4 crew all buried in Hamburg Cemetery.
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