
John Henry (Harry) Badetscher

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:07th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:King's Royal Rifle Corps
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Belgium
Cemetery or Memorial:Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial
Town Memorial:Stretford
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1885 in the Marylebone R.D. - ref:
1a/570.  Recorded as John Henry Badetscher.

SDGW states that he was both a Rifleman and a Lance Corporal.

CWGC list him as Henry Badetscher.

MI on the family gravestone in Stretford Cemetery states that he was Kia in
France and was aged 30 years. 
Memorials found on:
St. Hilda's (Old Trafford)
Stretford Borough Memorial Book
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