
Arthur James Goodfellow

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:08th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Lancashire Fusiliers
How Died:Died of Wounds
Country of burial:GallipoliGrave Photo:No
Cemetery or Memorial:Pink Farm Cemetery
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born on the 9th June 1887*, the birth beiing registered during the
September quarter 1887 in the Prestwich R.D. - ref: 8d/384, the only son of
James & Jessie Goodfellow (nee Gibson).   There is a document on his WO364
file to the effect that he was born on the 23rd July 1889.

1891 Census - 17 Billott Street, Cheetham, Manchester.   Son - aged:3 -
born: Manchester.   Head of household - James Goodfellow - Married - aged:
37 - occ: Wholesale Clothier - born: Salford.    Also Jessie Goodfellow -
Wife aged: 28 - born: Sheffield, Yorkshire.   Plus 1 younger sister and 2
domestic servants.

1901 Census - Eccles House, Wynnstay Road, Colwyn Bay, Denbigh, Wales.  
Son (visitor) - aged: 13 - born: Manchester.    Also listed - James
Goodfellow (father) - Married - aged: 47 - no occ given - born: Manchester.
   Plus Jessie Goodfellow (mother) - aged:38 - born: Cleaton, Sheffield.  
Plus 1 younger sister.   The Head of household was Margaret Bateman a 44
year old Lodging House Keeper with whom they were staying.

Educated at Colwyn Bay and Oundle School, Northampton.

1911 Census - Middleton Road, Higher Crumpsall, Manchester.   Son - aged:23
- occ: Worker in Father's Department - born: Manchester.   Head of
household - James Goodfellow - Married - aged: 57 - occ: Manufacturing
Clothier - born: Salford.   Also - Jessie Goodfellow - Wife - aged: 48 -
born: Charletown, Sheffield.   Plus 1 younger sister and 2 domestic
servants. Chiswick, London.  The value of his Estate was £219.  14s. 7d
Administrationgranted on the 20th November 1915 at the Principal Probate
Registry.  The following items of personal proerty were returned to the
family - ID disc, 6 Stars, Small Horn, Leater Case, EP Flask, 2 Pipe
Lighters, Gold Rong engaved with A.J.G., Compass, Toy Glove, 2 Cheque
Books, Stype Pen, 2 Pipes, Smaall Cross with Pearls set, Light  Gold Neck
Chain, Nail File, Nuttall's Dictionary, Ointment Box, 2 Letters.

WO374/27935 -  Awarded a Gratuity of £250 with an annual pension of £100
w.e.f. the 8th August 1915.  His widow resided at Bagot, Arthog Road, Hale.
 From the 8th May 1916, her address was 3 Fauconberg Mansions,  

De Ruvigny's RoH - Father - James Goodfellow J.P. Brantwood, Higher
Crumpsall, Manchester.  Member of the firm of Messrs. Henry Marsden & Co.
Ltd, Wholesale Clothiers, Manchester.   Gazzetted 2nd Lt. on the 28th April
1909 and Captain on the 10th October 1911.  Volunteered for overe=seas
servingat the outbreak of war in August 1914.   Posted to Egypt in early
September 1914.   Mentioned in despathes and Gazetted on the 5th November
1915.   He married Doris Edith Redfern at the Garrison Chapel Abbasia,
Egypt.  His wife was the daughter of Thomas & Edith Langtry, of Hale,

Joined the Army c1908.

Married the only daughter of Thomas & Edith Redfern Langtry of Hale at
Abbassia Garison Chapel, Cairo on the 16th January 1915.  The witnesses
were Herbert Ward Langtry and Edith M. Langtry.

Death reported in the 13/08/1915 edition of the Altrincham Guardian.   Also
in the 11th August 1915 edition of the Yorkshire Post.

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