
Arthur Priestner

Name of Rgt or Ship:King's (Liverpool Rgt)
Country of burial:U.K.Grave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Bowdon (St. Mary's) Churchyard
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1896 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref:
8a/177, the son of James & Annie Magdalene Preistner (nee Wayne).

His father - James, died 08/08/1896, aged: 45 years.

1901 Census - Hamilton Terrace (12?) next to Eaton Terrace, Bowdon.  Son -
aged: 4 - occ: Upholsterer - born: Bowdon.  Head of household - Annie
Priestner - Widow - aged: 36 - born: Lytham, Lancashire.  Plus 6 siblings,
including his elder brother - Neville who also died as a result of WW1.

1911 Census - York Avenue (52?) Bowdon.  Son - aged: 14 - occ: Upholsterer
- born: Bowdon.  Head of household - Annie Priestner - Widow - aged: 56 -
born: Lytham, Lancashire.   Plus 2 siblings, that included his elder
brother - Neville who also died as a result of WW1.

MIC - states that he originally enlisted into the Cheshire Regiment on
29/08/1916 (probably conscripted on his 18th birthday).  He was discharged
from the Army on 30/11/1917.

Transferred to the Labour Corps No. 203519.

Buried on 03/12/1920 - Burial No. 30/1843.

His father - James, died 08/08/1896, aged: 45 years and his mother, Annie
Magdeline Preistner died, 08/01/1932, aged: 76 years.

Annie Magdeline Preistner's parents were William Wayne of Bowdon who died,
20/05/1883, aged: 65 years and Ann Wayne, who died: 28/04/1884, aged: 63

His  elder brother - Neville Priestner, was killed in action in France.

Memorials found on:
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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