
George Forster

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:07th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
How Died:Died of Wounds
Country of burial:U.K.Grave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Altrincham (Hale) Cemetery
Town Memorial:Hale
Extra Information:
Born during the March quarter 1885 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/197,
the son of William & Ann Forster (nee Griffiths).

1891 Census - 12 Police Street, Altrincham.   The family are recorded as
"FOSTER".  Son - aged: 6 - born: Altrincham.   Head of household - William
Forster - Married - aged: 38 - occ: Gas Works Stoker - born: Altrincham. 
Also Ann Forster - Wife - aged: 38 - born: Holmelacy, Herefordshire.   Plus
6 siblings.

His father - William Forster died in 1892, aged: 38.

1901 Census - 7 Police Street, Altrincham.   Ann is now widowed and the
family are residing at the home of Joseph Priestner.   Lodger - aged: 16 -
occ:  Plumber's Apprentice - born: Altrincham.   Also Ann Forster - Lodger
- aged: 47 - born: Holmelacy, Herefordshire.   Plus 2 siblings all as

His mother - Ann Forster died in 1905, aged: 49.

According to the 1911 census returns, he married Sarah ???? in 1909, but I
have not been able to find a record of that marriage.

1911 Census - 108 Stamford Park Road, Hale.    Head of household - George
Forster - Married - aged: 26 - occ: Plumber - born: Altrincham.   Also 
Sarah Forster (nee XXX) - Wife - aged: 25 - born: Macclesfield, Cheshire.  
Plus Jessie Forster - Daughter - aged: 12 months - born: Altrincham.

Member of the Trinity Presbyterian Mission Hall, Lower George St,
Altrincham.   Employed as a Plumber by Mr. J.H. Smith, 207 Ashley Rd,

Served for several years in the old Cheshire Volunteers.   Enlisted on the
20th September 1916 and drafted to the front on the 26th May 1917.  MIC -
only records that he was awarded the BWM & the VM, no other details.

The 7th Bn, Black Watch served in the 51st (Highland) Division, 153rd
Brigade.   In 1917 They took part in the Arras Offensive, The Battle of
Pilkem Ridge, The Battle of Menin Road Ridge and the Cambrai Operations.

According to a report in the 10/07/1917 edition of the Altrincham Guardian,
his wife had received a letter from him in which he said that he was in
hospital at the front suffering from gunshot wounds received in action on
the 25th June 1917.    He also stated that he was going on favourably. 

He died in the Red Cross Hospital, Christchurch, Hampshire.     Buried on
Saturday 04/08/1917 - Burial No. 3,720.    See also the 03/08/1917 edition
of the local newspaper.

M.I. - "May his reward be as great as his sacrifice".

He left a widow and one daughter.  Post War his widow resided at 25 Cedar
Road, Hale.

He is listed in the 30/07/1943 edition of the local newspaper under the
Roll of Honour section of BM&D.  Pte George Forster aged 32 DoW 27/07/1917
Black Watch.      Daughter Jessie Frank and children, 71 Manley Rd, Sale. 
Ditto 28/07/1944 edition but - daughter Jessie Frank and children, now at 5
Arran Ave, Sale.

Memorials found on:
St. John's (Altrincham)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
Trinity Presbyterian Church
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