
Richard Elliott

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:06th Bn [1]
Name of Rgt or Ship:Cheshire Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Belgium
Cemetery or Memorial:Tyne Cot Cemetery Memorial, Zonnebeke
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born 1891 ???    Born during the December quarter 1887 in the Oswestry R.D.
- ref: 6a/668, the son of Frederick Roland & Rachel Annie Elliott (nee

1891 Census - 21 Beatrice Street, Oswestry, Shropshire.   Son - aged: 3 -
born: Oswestry.   Head of household - Frederick R. Elliott - Married -
aged: 30 - occ: House Decorator - born: Rochdale, Lancashire.  Also -
Rachel Elliott - Wife - aged: 30 - born: St. Martins, Shropshire.  Plus 3

1901 Census - Greenfield Cottage between Nos 72 & 74 Albert Road, Oswestry.
  Son - aged: 13 -      Head of household - Frederick R. Elliott - Married
- aged: 40 - occ: House Painter (own account) - born: Roachdale,
Lancashire.  Also - Rachel Elliott - Wife - aged: 40 - born: St. Martins,
Shropshire.  Plus 2 brothers.

1911 Census - No Trace

NOT 100% HAPPY WITH THE ABOVE INFORMATION.   The age at death is at odds
with his date of birth, as was his age at the time of his enlistment. 
Otherwise, it does all seem credible.

MIC - no information other than he was awarded the BWM & the VM,
indicationg that he did not go to France until 1916 or l;ater..

WO363 - He attested on the 17th February 1916 and was mobilised on the 26th
October 1916.   He was then aged: 25 years 5 months and resided at Mill
House Farm, Baguley, employed as a Teamsman.   His next of kin was
originally given as Mr. Toogood, Mill House Farm, Baguley.   He was 5 feet
3 inches in height and weighed 113 lb.   His chest measurement was 33½ -
35½ inches and his development recorded as - Good.  

He married Amelia Kirby at Chistchurch P.C., Timperley on the 3rd July
1917.   No chldren listed.  Her address was given as C/o Mrs Handreth,
Green Lane, Baguley.  He was drafted to France on the 16th July 1917 and
into the 13th Bn Cheshire Rgt at Rouen on the 19th July.   He was posted to
the 6th Bn Cheshire Rgt on the 2nd August 1917.   By 1918 his widow was
residing at 38 Gresty Road, Crewe, Cheshire, but by November 1919 she had
moved to 14 Booth Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire.  She was awarded a pension of
13/9d per week w.e.f. 27th May 1918.

In December 1920 his sister - Mrs. Henrietta Hurst, of 1 Alderney Street,
Victoria, London. SW1, wrote to the War Office.  She was (I think - letter
partly burned) asking for his medals.  She stated that she was the only one
who took any interest in him.  Her request was, of course turned down as
they had been issued to his widow, his next of kin.

He married Amelia Kirby during the September quarter 1917 in the Bucklow
R.D. - ref: 8a/329.   Amelia married a Stanley Smallwood in 1919.

Memorials found on:
Christ Church (Timperley)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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