War Dead
Altrincham WW1
Altrincham WW2
Altrincham Memorials
Sale WW1
Sale WW2
Sale Memorials
Stretford WW1
Stretford WW2
Stretford Memorials
Urmston WW1
Urmston WW2
Urmston Memorials
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Stretford WW1 - Surnames starting with the letter K.
Private Kell(e)y, William
Other Information
Background Information
Date Qualification
Trafford's U.K. Burials Outside of Trafford
Geographical Qualification
All Stretford Surnames
Abel - Axon
Badetscher - Byrne
Calderbank - Cuthbert
Dakers - Dyson
Eades - Eve
Fagan - Furber
Gaitskell - Gunn
Hadfield - Hynes
Ibbotson - Isherwood
Jackson - Jordan
Kay - Kortens
Lally - Lythgoe
MacLeod - Muscroft
Naylor - Nye
O'Donnell - Oxley
Page - Pybus
Quigley - Quigley
Ramage - Ryder
Sabine - Sykes
Tabb - Tyson
Underwood - Unsworth
Valentine - Vinton
Waddington - Wylie
Yapp - Young