War Dead
Altrincham WW1
Altrincham WW2
Altrincham Memorials
Sale WW1
Sale WW2
Sale Memorials
Stretford WW1
Stretford WW2
Stretford Memorials
Urmston WW1
Urmston WW2
Urmston Memorials
Miscellaneous Memorials
Stretford WW2 - Surnames starting with the letter U.
Civilian Unidentified 04,
Other Information
Background Information
Date Qualification
Trafford's U.K. Burials Outside of Trafford
Geographical Qualification
All Stretford Surnames
Abel - Atherton
Bagshaw - Byrne
Caffrey - Cummings
Dakin - Dutton
Earl - Eyre
Fairbrother - Fulton
Gadd - Gunns
Hailey - Hyde
Iago - Ingham
Jackson - Jordan
Kavanagh - Knowles
Lamb - Lyons
MacLeod - Myles
Nash - Nutbean
O'Carroll - Oxley
Palfreyman - Pritchard
Rainford - Rutter
Sadler - Swaithes
Tait - Twycross
Unidentified 01 - Unsworth
Vagg - Vincent
Wadsworth - Wyness DFC
Yates - Young